Spokesman News | Yu Nan attended the 18th China Changchun Film Festival Award Ceremony

Published:September 04 , 2023


On the evening of September 2, the closing ceremony and award ceremony of the 18th China Changchun Film Festival was held at the Changsha Film Concert Hall. "The Cradle of New Chinese Cinema" attracts enormous attention, and guests from all over the world gathered in Changchun to witness the glorious moments of Chinese cinema.


Yu Nan, the spokesperson of Kinhom, was invited to be a member of the jury of this year's festival and attended the closing ceremony of the 18th China Changchun Film Festival, presenting awards to the winning actors and works.


Discover the story of great movies and savor the comfortable life

Congratulations to #Kinhom brand spokesman Yu Nan# on the successful completion of her trip to the Changchun Film Festival jury!

Looking forward to a new journey!